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Jazz has captivated audiences since its surge in popularity in the early 20th century, with staggering complexity, breath-taking improvisation and a sheer sense of cool that just can’t be beaten. The rarefied air of jazz clubs welcomes everyone from the guy off the street to elite clientele, making this a secret world into which many seek entry.

Knowing where to hang your hat when it comes to jazz concerts is a skill unto itself, and it can take years to get your finger on the pulse. Thankfully, we’ve been there and done it, so all you need do is peruse this guide and decide where you’re headed.

Once you’ve settled on a destination, consider how you’ll rock up into town. Executive aviation and VIP travel offer unrivalled levels of comfort, flexibility and luxury that guarantee your travel experience is every bit as staggering as a Miles Davis trumpet solo.

Inherent in jazz is its sense of style – pinstripe suits, slick hair and immaculate shoes. What’s more stylish than private jet charter with Skyllence? Luxury travel in-hand, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of where your jet rental will get down and boogie.

New Orleans, Louisiana

The home of jazz, New Orleans should be first on any would-be cool cat’s list. Nestled in the sweltering swamps of Louisiana, the bayous of this world-famous city are legendary for having incubated this genre at the turn of the 20th century. Since then, New Orleans has only built on that legacy, making it today one of the world’s foremost music destinations and a must-visit for aficionados of the artform.

While in the home of jazz, check out the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival for a concentrated experience. Jazz festivals the world over envy the city’s contribution, making it the perfect addendum to a visit from any fanatic.

New York City, New York

As jazz spread up from the deep south, it was inevitable that it would eventually reach the Big Apple. New York’s status as a home for all-comers made it a welcoming environment for Jazz to flourish in, leading to divergent styles and a scene to rival that of New Orleans. Exclusive travel into this city promises hundreds of jazz clubs and an experience like no other, with jazz here seen through the inimitable lens of New York’s culture.

Paris, France

Jazz isn’t limited to mainland USA, as after its inception it eventually spread to all corners of the world. Paris has long been a city synonymous with culture of all forms, and given that jazz fits that remit it’s little surprise the artform spread to the city of love. Moreover, the roots of jazz in the American south tie in with the lives of French diaspora communities. The voice of jazz itself, it’s fair to say, is a creole one, making the existence of the Paris jazz scene a lot more logical than it might first appear.

Chicago, Illinois

A staging post in the route up the Mississippi, Chicago’s musical history has always been shaped by – and itself shaped – that of New Orleans. Jazz is no exception, and after its origins in the deep south this form of music headed to the windy city. Chicago’s attitude and sensibilities moulded the music into a distinct genre, and jazz superfans often embark on journeys to the city via luxury travel to sample its unique blend.

The Chicago Jazz Festival is the perfect event around which to plan your visit, serving as a central jazz-obsessed anchor from which forays into smaller, independent jazz clubs can be launched.

London, United Kingdom

Most British history involves stealing the best bits of other cultures (sometimes literally) and adapting them. Jazz is a good example of this, and after its initial surge in the States the UK scene began to spread its wings, centred on London. To this day London remains a hotbed for jazz artists from around the world, combining traditional beats with a modern, urban re-imagining.

Tokyo, Japan

It might seem an anomaly on this list, but make no mistake: Japan loves jazz. There’s an inevitability to a city with 14 million inhabitants which means that any kind of hobby is sure to be represented. Beyond simple mathematics, the city continues to represent the genre which spread to the region from the Philippines, an American colony in the 1920s. All of this means one thing: private aviation services that enter Tokyo in search of jazz never leave disappointed.

San Francisco, California

American jazz isn’t confined to the east coast and the Mississippi delta. Like most cultural phenomena in the US, it eventually spread out west into creative hotbeds like San Francisco. Today, jazz in the Golden State attracts visitors from around the world because of the obsession with live, outdoor music – little wonder when the weather is as good as it is in San Francisco!

A short way down the coast, the Monterey Jazz Festival offers a more concentrated dose for the die-hard jazz seeker, providing both newer, more experimental acts alongside legends from history. Whatever your level of expertise, this is certainly worth a day trip!

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Any excuse for a carnival and Rio de Janeiro is all over it. Jazz itself is a celebration of improvisation, diversity and individual exuberance, all of which could be tag-lines for the Brazilian city. The two have meshed so well that VIP air travel clients often eschew the traditional favourites on this list in favour of Rio de Janeiro, safe in the knowledge that it’s impossible to fail to have a good time in the city.

Barcelona, Spain

More cultured, distinguished high-end experiences can be found in the stunning city of Barcelona, where jazz clubs lie dotted amongst the beautiful architecture of this irresistible city. That’s not to say it’s stuffy or boring though – far from it, as the thousands of revellers who flock to Barcelona each year in search of jazz will attest to.

Sydney, Australia

The endless enthusiasm of the Australian nation means that they’ll give anything a crack, and jazz is no exception. Have-a-go hobbyists the Australians are not though, as the country’s burgeoning jazz scene makes clear. Sydney is the epicentre of what is now a fully-fledged jazz movement, with distinct styles and a whole range of unique influences that clearly delimit it from its western origins. For UK travellers, business jets are a must when flights of this duration are involved to keep you fresh and ready to hit the jazz clubs on arrival!

Though Sydney itself does have a jazz festival, the Melbourne International Jazz Festival is arguably the more prestigious event. If you’re a jazz fan who finds themselves in this corner of the world, it’s certainly worth extending your stay and making the short trip to take part in one of the world’s foremost jazz events.

Havana, Cuba

Staring at New Orleans from directly across the Gulf of Mexico, it’s little wonder that Havana developed a keen interest in jazz. Blending the American tradition with Spanish Caribbean elements has means that the jazz scene in Havana is now distinct from that of its neighbour. This offers visitors the unique opportunity to be part of a genre that can’t be heard anywhere else in the world. The regional peculiarities of Cuban Jazz are sure to delight both the newcomer and seasoned jazzaholic alike – when will your luxury travel solution depart?

Get your chops

With so many incredible jazz destinations that await, you could be forgiven for feeling a little overwhelmed by choice. There’s no need to panic, as Skyllence can even help you decide where to go! Get in touch today and they’ll guide you through the process of selecting a destination, ensuring that you get exactly what you want from your luxury experience.

Once that’s settled, they’ll deploy their team of best-in-class logistics experts to put together your VIP travel solution, selecting from the very best corporate jets to ensure that everything proceeds as expected. With luxury locked-in, you’re free to stick on some John Coltrane and mellow out – it won’t be long before you’re hearing live music in one of the world’s best jazz cities!

“We’re used to dealing both with clients who know exactly what they want and those who haven’t quite ironed out the details yet” says Vilma Vaitiekunaite, CEO of Skyllence. “When passengers ask us to aid in the planning process, we’re able to provide tailored recommendations from our teams of experts in addition to the usual levels of luxury that clients have come to expect from our VIP travel solutions. All of this combines to make the experience the best it can be, and we’re proud that we’re able to assist so many in creating unforgettable memories!”

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