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Every year, thousands convene in Black Rock Desert to worship at this altar of cool. Will you be one of them?

The Burning Man festival is one of the world’s most iconic workshops for performance art, sustainable living, and creative expression. While the name of this event conjures up images of desert-based hedonism, there’s some confusion about what actually goes on. This article will demystify the whole affair, breaking down why so many attend each year and helping you to plan your trip with Skyllence – the best way to take part.

Once you’re across the details, you’ll be ready to head down into the dirt. If you’re a fan of the finer things, though, you could be forgiven for thinking that Burning Man isn’t your kind of scene. Far from it. With VIP experiences and red-carpet treatments on offer, the festival has increased its luxury offering in recent years. This means that when you get there you’re able to indulge, and with luxury travel via Skyllence private charters you can make sure that every second of your visit is top-notch.

Before you’re making use of the flexibility, convenience, and hassle-free travel offered by direct flights and private jet rental, you’re going to need some questions answered.

Where is it?

Burning Man festival takes place in Black Rock City, a custom-build temporary settlement that’s erected annually to host the event. Right in the middle of the Black Rock Desert, this short-term oasis is more than just loose timber and leftover fabric: it’s a fully fledged modern village (city might be stretching it). That means running water, sanitary facilities, and even an emergency department in case you party a little too hard – good to know!

When is it?

The festival takes place every year in late August. In 2023, the celebration begins on August 27 and culminates on September 4, when the eponymous event takes place and all attendees witness what they came to see – the burn.

When did it start?

The history of the Burning Man Festival – despite its pagan associations which come to the fore on burn night – doesn’t actually stretch back all that far. First held in 1986, what’s now a multi-national travel destination with tens of thousands of attendees began as a humble bonfire in the desert. While their initial motivations for burning a large effigy in the desert are unclear, the release a decade earlier of Robin Hardy’s Wicker Man might – to some – seem more than a coincidence.

What do I wear?

In short: whatever you want (or nothing at all)! There’s no dress code at all for Burning Man, but bearing in mind that this is a performance art event where unique costumes can be seen all around is a good starting point. Burning Man outfits come in all shapes and sizes – from those looking to make an impression to pragmatists keenly aware of the frequent dust storms that pass through the area – so you can guarantee whatever you wear you won’t be out of place.

The festival’s focus on personal and artistic freedom and emphasis of a leave-no-trace ethos also lead many to wear very little, if anything – and this is completely normal, too. Some years, Burning Man nude attendees even number in their thousands, so don’t sweat it if you forget your favourite t-shirt! If all of that leaves your head in a spin, I’ll try my best to give some inspiration: Mad Max chic with a nod to this year’s theme of Animalia (animals, but fancy!).

How do I get there?

Assuming you’re flying in with Skyllence on a private jet charter (good choice!), you’ll be looking to arrive at one of two airports. There’s the conventional option – Reno – but this involves a significant ground transfer that’s not something you want to have to engage with. Alternatively, Black Rock City itself – the temporary settlement in the sands – even has its own airport! Just don’t expect much by way of a departure lounge, as it’s bare-bones setup is in-keeping with the rest of the festival.

What’s the Temple?

When people talk about Burning Man, they also often mention the Temple. For the uninitiated, this might seem a little eerie, or even off-putting. In fact, the Temple is so in name only – the reality is that this a large wooden space which, short of a concise definition, can be whatever you want it to be. It’s a place where you can pray if you want to, sure, or instead you might use it to meditate, to remember people you’ve lost, or simply as a place to meet friends. The beauty of the temple is the beauty of Burning Man – whatever you think it is, it is!

Where will I stay?

Accommodation at Burning Man is varied, and you can have as much – or as little – luxury as you want. The usual route is joining a camp, where you live in a small temporary commune with other like-minded souls and pool resources to keep costs low. At the other end of the scale, simply hire an RV or motorhome and head into the desert, meaning that you’ll always have the advantage of AC (extremely useful), a cool shower, and a comfy bed at the end of the night.

How much does it cost?

This one’s tricky, as it’s really up to the individual based on what they’re looking to get out of the event. Without factoring in flights, tickets start at $575 each, with an extra $150 for those taking a vehicle into the area. This is all minus taxes and the nebulously defined “fees”, so safe to say if you’re looking for entry for two with a vehicle then you’ll need around $1500. The final round of ticket sales takes place on August 2nd this year, so if you’re keen to attend then it’s a good idea to set an alarm!

What’s the vibe?

It’s all vibe at Burning Man, with very little in the way of pre-scheduled events as you might expect from other festivals (side note: Burning Man says it’s not a festival, but if it looks like a festival, sounds like a festival, and acts like a festival, then in my book we can use the f-word). Instead, guests are encouraged to do whatever they feel like, with only the loose guidance of the 10 principles to steer them.

This means that sustainability, gifting, sharing skills, leaving no trace and rejecting capitalism in all its forms ($575, by the way) are the order of the day, and guests are encouraged not only to absorb these values but to reflect them in their activities while they’re at the event.

What do I do when I’m there?

Learn, teach, share skills, express yourself, create art, dance, sing, build a replica of the Titanic from grains of rice – basically, you do you. The Burning Man website can be a little lofty and wordy (as can those who have attended, in my experience), but if you read between the lines it all boils down to one central tenet: be nice, have a good time, and tidy up before you leave. Apply the same mantra as you would to a picnic in the park – albeit on a much larger scale – and you’ll be golden!

An Experience Like No Other

If you’re looking to experience radical self-expression bookended by VIP luxury travel on-board a private air charter, then flying with Skyllence to Burning Man is the perfect fit. Not only do you get access to flexibility, convenience, and luxury in equal measure, but you’re also guaranteed a time-saving personalized service – the perfect preparation for a week in the desert! If you’re set on attending and looking for a way to make the experience that much more memorable, look no further: Skyllence have you covered, just brush off the dirt before you sit on those white leather seats!

“Clients sometimes come to us looking for contrast” observes Vilma Vaitiekunaite, CEO of Skyllence. “They know that they’re going to an event – like Burning Man – where they might not be able to access 5-star luxury, so they want us to make sure that we drop them off fully pampered and are there to meet them and offer a welcoming respite on the way home. Others have secured luxury at the event and want that continued in transit. Our personalized service offers private aviation and exclusive travel to a range of clients – that’s why we’re sure we’ll be able to accommodate you, whatever your requirements!”
