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A charter plane is a great way to attend an event, but what makes it so special?

If you’re casting a longing gaze at upcoming sports events and considering attending, you’re not alone. Millions fly to every event on the sports calendar each year, many of whom do so via private plane charter. What makes this option so attractive to some, and why doesn’t everyone charter a plane for major sporting events?

This article will take a look at some of the key benefits of plane charter when it comes to attending upcoming sporting events, helping to shed light on why the sporting calendar so often coincides with a major increase in the number of people chartering a plane. In and around these kinds of events, charter private plane providers are inundated with requests from potential attendees, all seeking to arrive in style at the event they’ve been looking forward to all year.

Skyllence’s Chief Commercial Officer, Igor Borzov is all too familiar with helping to plan sporting getaways: “Clients attending sports events have a different set of requirements to other customers – such as business users or family holiday groups. Here, the atmosphere is more carnival-like, as people are generally looking to have some fun for a few days and then head home. That’s good for our clients, as they can let their hair down a little, but from our point of view we have to ensure that we dedicate the same level of professionalism and vigour to all our activities as we would for any passenger – that’s what makes us special!”

Speaking of making things special, let’s get into the key reasons behind why some people decide to head to sporting events via private jet travel.


Anyone who’s ever tried to attend a significant summer sports event knows how difficult it can be to plan everything. Flight transfers, train connections, getting to the hotel… wouldn’t it be easier if you could just tell someone where you were going and leave the rest up to them? That’s exactly what you get when you charter a private plane, as all of the organisational difficulties are left in the hands of the charter planes provider – and they can even arrange hotel transfers and door-to-door pickup, too.

Not only are you taking the burden of organising travel out of your own hands, but you’ve also got to think of who you’re handing it over to. The kinds of companies that offer chartered plane services aren’t just basic admin staff – they’re seasoned pros. The finest logistical minds in the industry are at your disposal when you hire a private charter plane, and its those minds that will be tasked with planning your trip.

This means that you’re able to relax and leave it to your provider, safe in the knowledge that the best in the business are working away and finding the perfect solutions to ensure that your attendance at international sports events is secured. Back of the net!


Beating the crowds is an idea that appeals to everyone – how about flying over their heads altogether? When it comes to sporting events, 2023 promises to be busier than ever as the world continues to recover from COVID-19 and get its mojo back. This will no doubt bring great atmospheres and unforgettable events, but will also generate crowds and travel disruption the likes of which have never been seen before.

Hiring a private jet means that you can skip out on the drawbacks of this while still experiencing the best of what these memorable international sporting events have to offer. Fly private, skip the crowds, enter the arena, and then revel in the atmosphere – a perfect recipe for an experience untainted by the cloud of attendees that clog up every transport system in a 10-mile radius before and after the event.

A Memorable Experience

Let’s say you’re going to some sporting events in July – Wimbledon, for example. You’ve wanted to go for years but could never find the time off work. For once you’ve managed to square it all and now you’ve got tickets on centre court for the final. If you’ve been dreaming of this for years – sneaking glances at the royal box, knocking back strawberries and cream, sitting so close to the action that you occasionally have to duck under a stray ball – then don’t you want the experience to be as memorable as possible?

What better way to capitalise on an already incredible time than by adding a charter plane to the mix, and guaranteeing that no stone is left unturned in your pursuit of a truly memorable sporting event? If you play this right, everyone will be talking for years about the trip that you arranged, and you can always remind them whenever you need a favour!


Waiting in departure lounges can be a lengthy affair. Get to the airport two hours before your flight, crawl through security, and sit around constantly, always waiting for other people to drag themselves in gear before you can get on with your journey. There’s an alternative, though. For the cost of chartering a plane, you get access to the most cherished gift one can imagine: the opportunity to not have to deal with other people.

This speeds up the whole affair, naturally, as you’re able to evade crowds and streamline every step of the process. The benefits of this aspect of private plane charter should be obvious, but just in case they need spelling out, consider the following. You can set off later, you can arrive earlier, and you can make sure with 100% certainty that you won’t miss the game. Do all of these appeal? If so, heading to upcoming sports events by chartering a plane are the perfect way of ensuring that you’re able to attend.


Why should you go to great lengths to justify the cost to charter a plane? Sometimes, the real reason you want to charter a private jet is pretty simple: you just want a touch of class. There’s nothing wrong with that, and if it’s luxury you’re after then you’ve come to the right place. Typically, a charter plane is a cut above what you might expect from the economy option. Sumptuous upholstery, attentive service, in-flight food that’s actually edible – the list of advantages that private travel holds over its commercial cousin goes on.

There’s no reason why these benefits should be reserved for corporate big-wigs or VIPS heading on an exotic vacation. If you’re hiring a private jet, then you’re entitled to access the exact same levels of luxury – even if in your own head you’re only heading to the game with some friends. Touches of luxury enhance any experience, and this is no different, so cast off those hesitations and indulge yourself in the luxury that’s on offer when you charter a private plane.


Ok, look, I know what you’re thinking: the answer to the question “how much does it cost to charter a plane?” isn’t going to be “100 euros”. Private travel is more expensive than its commercial cousin, obviously, but there are a few caveats to consider. First things first – time is money. We’ve already established that group air charter can be much quicker than an economy-class seat, so if you’re someone who’s time is worth more to them than the difference in price, then the cost of a chartered private plane might be lower overall.

The idea of group air charter for sporting events around the world also brings up another factor in cost – economies of scale. A taxi is usually more expensive than a bus ticket, but what if the taxi is shared between 4 people? Private jet charter can follow the same logic, and larger groups of travellers usually bring the price-per-head down to more reasonable levels – especially when all of the other factors are rolled into the idea of cost.

For example, if you’re got 8 passengers that all need to save time by taking the more convenient option and flying private, it might be that the overall savings on a per-hour basis actually result in the flight saving considerable costs. Thinking like this about the cost of private travel is a better way of appreciating its key aspect – value. Don’t be deceived by simply looking at the number on the invoice, instead consider the bigger picture to decide whether private chartered journeys can be of benefit to you and your party.

Keeping Everyone Together

Speaking of your party, have you ever tried to organise travel for friends? Bringing together a disparate group of individuals to eventually meet at a destination can be a logistical nightmare – especially when you’re dependant on other people’s timekeeping and organisational skills. The last thing you want is to be waiting at arrivals on the other end, only to find out that the one friend who’s always late has missed their flight and won’t be able to make it.

To get over this hurdle, consider the benefits of charter planes. Private jet travel can easily be modified to include door-to-door arrangements that leave no room for tardiness or bad planning. Instead, every moment of your journey is planned from start to finish, meaning that those individuals in your group who are always leaving everyone short have their hand held along every step of the way, and the rest of you are free to enjoy your trip without worrying about whether or not they’ll make it.


The final benefit of private jet travel is maybe the most obvious – the clue’s in the name, after all. The fact that private jet international travel is… well… private is often forgotten amongst ideas of luxury and cost, but it should be emphasised here: you’re in complete control of which passengers board the aircraft. This means that if you or one of your party are a VIP or don’t want to be spotted during your transit to an international sporting event, then you can guarantee complete privacy.

This benefit of chartered flight also allows you other measures of control over your fellow passengers. Say one of your party is vulnerable to infection, for example. After the events of the past few years, we’re all acutely aware of the danger of infectious diseases, but as we recover from COVID-19 facemasks are beginning to disappear from society. When you charter a private jet, you’re in complete control, so if you want to insist that these procedures are followed to the letter than that’s your prerogative – just another example of how private jet travel can be tailored to suit the extremely specific needs of passengers.

You’re the Boss

Aside from individual examples of the benefits of chartering a private plane to a sporting event contained in this article, the main takeaway should be this: you’re in control. Whatever specific needs you require, chartering a private jet allows you to implement them precisely. If you want passengers collected at a certain time, no problem; if you want specific catering on-board, that’s your right; you can even be a diva about the furniture without feeling guilty, because when you charter a private jet control is the name of the game.

Finding a chartered jet provider that will allow you control over the process should be no trouble – after all, that’s the entire point of the exercise. Finding a provider that’s capable of fulfilling your expectations, however, can be a whole different story. Providers like Skyllence are where you should focus your efforts – organisations that are dedicated to customer service and that revel in the unique challenge of catering to each and every client. They’ll have you up in the air exactly as you want, with no fuss and no qualms – however unique your requirements!

“We cater to a huge range of different clients every year, and we’re always excited to see what they’re looking for in their chartered flight experience” says their CCO, Igor Borzov. “Sporting events provide a great opportunity for private jet travel to show what it’s made of, and passengers are always so positive about their flights when they’re planning on attending. We try to match their enthusiasm and meet their expectations, ensuring that they’re able to get exactly what they want and have an experience that they’ll never forget!”
