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The number of people flying private is on the rise – but why do they opt for private jet charter?

There are all sorts of reasons why someone might want to hire a private jet. While we can’t speak for individuals, it’s likely that their motivation falls under some of the headings in this article, which breaks down the benefits of private jet charters and points out what makes them so popular. This list might tip you over the edge when deciding whether to fly private – or, if nothing else, will help you to justify the indulgence to others!

If you do decide to take to the skies on a private aircraft, then when you charter a private jet you’ll be looking for a private jet service that matches your expectations. This is important, as the characteristics of private jet flying in this list are only as good as the company responsible for providing them. You want an organization with a proven track record that’s committed to helping their passengers experience the best of private jet flying. In short, you want Skyllence.

“Private jet rentals are on the rise, and there are any number of reasons why. Every client has a different idea of what a private jet aircraft involves” – says Vilma Vaitiekunaite, CEO at Skyllence – “and it’s up to us to meet those needs. Whether looking to save time on a business trip, heading to a remote destination not available via commercial means, or simply looking to lend something a little extra special to a family holiday, we’re confident that any Skyllence client will have their expectations exceeded, and can’t wait to work with you on your journey!”

Without further ado, let’s consider these benefits in detail, breaking down exactly why so many choose private jet services for all kinds of journeys throughout the year.


The typical notion of a luxury private jet is somewhat exaggerated, but, let’s be honest, it’s not too far from the truth. If your idea of private jet chartering involves spacious, reclining seats in which to quaff champagne poured by diligent flight attendants, then you’re along the right lines – serious indulgence is on offer. The most common context in which this aspect of private aircraft hire is encountered is obvious: the ultra-luxurious holiday.

While slipping off to the alps or the Caribbean on board a private aircraft no doubt sounds like a good idea to anyone, there are also commercial uses for the level of comfort available via luxury private jet charter. Private charter jets enable business to be done smoothly, and are responsible for picking up highly strung, ultra-stressed executives and dropping them off refreshed and ready to work at their destinations.

The stress-free environment on board private jet charter services offers something that commercial travel cannot hope to match: a travel experience that actually destresses you, rather than cranking those frustration levels up a notch because of the nature of the experience. In this sense, chartering private jet travel can be an investment in oneself, as not only does it feel good to be saved the agony of commercial travel, but you arrive at your destination refreshed and ready to work.


While it might seem like the argument of cost-effectiveness is a hard sell in the realm of private charter jets, think about the previous point before you ask “how much does it cost to fly private”. If you arrive ready to negotiate a business deal after hopping off your economy class ticket, what are the chances that the kid kicking the back of your seat, the grey sludge you were served instead of an inflight meal, and the 3-hour queue before boarding will have an impact? Pretty high, I’d say. If you can’t bring your A game, you risk missing out and losing potential profit.

While flying with a budget airline will be cheaper in the short term, think about the bigger picture. Arriving via private aircraft charter relaxed, refreshed, and ready to do business enables you and your team to get to work right away and produce results for your business. The same logic can be applied to family holidays – after all, if it was purely about monetary outlay, wouldn’t it be cheaper to sleep in a tent in the back garden and call that a holiday? When asking “how much to fly a private jet”, then, it’s always worth thinking beyond the outright cost.

Service quality

We’ve touched on this already, but the luxury available as part of the best private jet services really does deserve its own point. You know those dire regional airlines that give you a bread roll and a thimble full of lukewarm tea over the course of a 4-hour flight? Think about every aspect of that experience, and then imagine the complete opposite. That’s what you’ll get as part of private jet charter flights.

I could ramble on about fancy wines, exquisite in-flight meals, and fully-trained masseuses, but you really have to experience private jet travel for yourself. Because everyone’s idea of luxury is personal, and because private jet charter services allow complete personalization, it’s perhaps best here to let your imagination fill in the details. Suffice it to say: you’re going to love it.


Ever tried to do some last-minute work on your laptop in a packed departure lounge? It’s hard to concentrate for long enough to find your gate in those places – never mind to complete complex work tasks. Among the benefits of flying private is the fact that you’re isolated from the chaos outside and can fill your time as you see fit, increasing productivity.

This isn’t limited to departure lounges and even extends to the aircraft itself, as in-flight productivity is ensured via the provision of Wi-Fi networks on almost every luxury private jet charter service. Rather than losing 6 hours of work to take a 2-hour flight, chartering a private jet enables you to stay engaged and minimize downtime – perfect for the time-starved traveller.


Private departure lounges bring us to another of the key benefits of private jet travel. It might seem obvious, but private travel is… well… private. The complete control that you’re able to exert over who joins you on your chartered private jet experience means that prying eyes are kept away and you’re only ever in the company of people you can trust. For most of us this might seem irrelevant, but for some it’s crucial.

This is obviously of benefit to anyone who wants to seclude themselves away from the masses during transit: think VIPs and celebrities who don’t have time to engage with every fan that they might come across. It’s not just limited to the rich and famous, though, as those working with sensitive material who want to remain productive must ensure that they’re not at risk of divulging information to those who aren’t cleared. Beyond these groups, the advantage of privacy in chartering a private jet is also often taken up by those travellers who, simply, are looking for a little extra peace and quiet on their trip. Who can blame them?!


Private jet charter travel can enable access to hard-to-reach places, making flying private jet a great option for those who need to reach unusual locations. Access to some airports might be restricted for any number of reasons – from simple size to the infrequency of commercial routes – and private jet travel makes for a straightforward and convenient way to overcome these limitations.

Not only does chartering a private jet allow you to choose which airports you depart from and arrive at, but you’re also in complete control of the schedule. The benefits of private jet travel, then, allow travellers to minimize downtime by scheduling departures at convenient times, ensuring that productivity is unaffected and arrival is coordinated to suit all parties. Perfect!


Hiring a private jet charter allows you to avoid that most tedious of tasks – measuring your luggage to the nearest millimetre to avoid falling foul of the draconian allowances to which budget airlines subject their passengers. Instead, with private jet travel you’re the boss. If you want to take your golf clubs, bicycle, and a portrait of the king, fill your boots – it’s your trip, after all!

What you carry onboard your flight is only limited by the scope of your imagination, and even extends beyond inanimate objects. Pets, for example, are routinely ferried by private jets chartered around the world. Not only does this mode of travel spare them the terrifying experience of being confined to the cargo hold, but it assuages you of your related worries as they can literally sit next to you and beg for the leftovers from your inflight meal!


If one were to provide a single characteristic of private jet travel that would sum up all of the benefits involved when you charter a private jet, it would undoubtedly have to be control. Put simply, everything is up to you. From the departure location to the luggage on board, your fellow passengers to your in-flight meal, being able to have everything exactly as you want it is the very definition of luxury.

If your tastes are specific, the requirements of your trip are unique, or you’re just done with commercial travel, chartering a private jet is a sure-fire way of making sure that your journey proceeds to the letter of what you expect. These bespoke services are built on customer satisfaction and frequently involve all manner of strange requests and picky VIPS. What this means for you is that you can be sure anything is on the table, and can tailor your flight to your exact needs as a result.


When searching for a private jet for charter, you have the right to expect convenience, privacy, and a level of service that goes beyond anything a commercial airline can offer. If the question of “why fly private jet” hasn’t been answered by now, consider one final element: customer service. When you hire private aircraft, you’re engaging with companies who pride themselves on their microscopic attention to detail and personal touch.

While commercial airlines claim to offer a similar level of service to luxury private jet charter organizations, in reality there’s no comparison. Anyone who’s ever had to change, cancel, or otherwise alter a routine flight with a standard airline can attest to the hair-pulling process of contacting their customer service departments. Endless phone calls and hours of hold music only to end up speaking to someone from the other side of the planet who has no idea how to help. If you’re flying private, you can forget all of this, and have a careful and attentive assistant guide you through the entire process to ensure you get exactly what you want.


There we have it, then: while there are any number of intricate advantages of private jet travel, ultimately the key reasons why people choose to charter private aircraft are the custom-built approach and the personal touch that providers use to help make this a reality. Flying private is about getting exactly what you want on your personal flight, but with the key luxury of having someone else get it for you. What could be more indulgent?

It can be difficult to find companies that offer the kinds of services described above when assisting you in chartering a private jet, as private jet charter can at times seem like a closed loop. This is a false first impression, and providers like Skyllence relish the opportunity to welcome new clients into the fold when it comes to luxury private travel.

“We’re delighted when we’re able to assist someone flying private for the first time” notes Vilma Vaitiekunaite, CEO at Skyllence . “The fact that clients entrust us with the responsibility of ensuring that their journey is up to scratch is a reflection of our experience and the hard work that we’ve put into working with previous customers. Word gets around in what can be quite a small industry, so there’s nowhere to hide if we don’t perform. That’s why every client who charters a luxury private jet with us is treated as a VIP – they’re the lifeblood of our business, and we love helping them.”
