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The PGA tour and private jet luxury travel go together like a 5-wood on a fairway. If you’re in the mood for golf travel this autumn, which golf tournaments are the best choice, and who should you entrust your private jet charter to?

This article will take a sweeping tour around the golf world, showing off the best events on the golf calendar in the coming months. We’ll look at where your golf trip might take you, what dates the golf schedule occupies, and how much the world’s best golf players can expect to compete for in each tournament – after all, if you’re enlisting private jet services to follow them around the world, you’d like to be sure that their heart’s in it!

When you’ve decided which European Tour or PGA Golf tournament your private flight will carry you to, all that’s left is to secure your attendance by contacting Skyllence. Because they’ve been putting together golf adventures along with all kinds of other private jet services for some time now, you’re sure to receive only the most professional, reliable, and convenient private jet rental. Think of them as a mythical, perfect caddy, guaranteeing a hole-in-one every time you’re at the tee!

The DP World Tour Championship

Where? Kicking off this list of golf events is the DP World Tour Championship, held in Dubai, UAE – a relative newcomer to the world of luxury golf destinations.

When? This event takes place from November 16–19, giving gold spectators the chance to avoid the scorching summer sun for which the region is famous.

How much? Don’t let the fact that the DP Tour Championship is a relatively new kid on the block – having first been played in 2009 – fool you. There’s serious money on offer here, with a prize pool of around $10m set to be played for in 2023. Golf enthusiasts attending this event via private jet charter services can rest assured that the size of the purse means this tournament will be every bit as competitive as the sport’s majors, such as the Masters Tournament or the US Open.

The RSM Classic

Where? The US state of Georgia – Sea Island, to be more precise – is home to the RSM Classic, and has been since the tournament first debuted.

When? Private jet flights will descend on the Peach State from November 13–19 this year, carrying golf fans and players alike to witness what promises to be an unforgettable tournament.

How much? The $8.1m prize pool on offer at the RSM Classic is in the range that one would expect of such prestigious PGA tour events, but that’s not the only draw. The area’s beautiful coastal location and the stunning 18th- and 19th-century architecture for which Georgia is famous all combine to make luxury jets heading this way offer the perfect golf vacation.

The Australian Open

Where? For those looking for a long-haul, the Australian Open is a great choice. Taking place on the outskirts of Sydney, it promises not only an exceptional golf championship but also an extended vacation next to one of the world’s great cities – perfect if you’re using a charter private jet for group air travel but don’t have many golf enthusiasts in your ranks!

When? The dates of the Australian open – November 30 to December 3 – might make it seem a grey and miserable affair, but don’t be fooled: that’s a northern hemisphere mindset. While it’s autumn in Europe, Australia is just heading out of spring and into summer, meaning stunning long days and cool evenings are in the fold – perfect golf weather!

How much? The $3.4m purse on offer in the Australian Open might make it seem a little small-time, but what it lacks in the financial department it more than makes up for with heritage, as the event has a history that stretches back over a hundred years. Not only that, the surrounding areas and proximity to the city make this an ideal golf tourism destination.

The Ryder Cup

Where? The Ryder Cup is a roaming tournament, held in different cities around the world every second year. In 2023, Rome, Italy plays host to this prestigious golf tournament that really is like no other.

When? The dates to mark in your diary are September 29 to October 1 this year, as the US and European teams gear up to do battle on the course and take home the prestige that comes with lifting the trophy.

How much? If you thought the Australians were cheap, wait till you hear how much the Italians are offering! Golf fans will, of course, know that the Ryder Cup has no purse, and instead of financial gains the players compete for the sheer bragging rights conferred via victory over the opposing region.

Don’t be fooled, though: this event is only held once every two years, and the right to hold one over your fellow players for 24 months is something that every competitor values greatly. This means that, despite the lack of financial reward, there’s everything to play for, and the competition is as tough as you might expect as a result.

The Shriners Children’s Open 

Where? If you’re looking for a golf tournament that you can enjoy in the day that’s held somewhere where there’s plenty to do at night, where better than Las Vegas, Nevada?

When? From October 9–15, dozens of luxury private jet flights criss-cross the strip to land and disembark luxury travellers – both those heading to golf tournaments and those with a keen eye on the sights and sounds that the city offers, often both as part of the same private group air charter!

How much? An $8m purse is on offer here for the players to compete for, making this more than a gimmick to draw people into the city – it’s a fully-fledged competitive golf tournament that’s every bit as high in quality as its cousins on the European Tour. It’s arguably even more rewarding – especially if players head into the casinos and strike it lucky with their winnings!

The ZOZO Championship

Where? The final entry on this list is in an area that might not seem best-suited to the sport of golf: the outskirts of Tokyo, Japan.

When? From October 13–16, this stunning event brings together the best golfers from Asia and around the world, all taking place in the shadow of a truly breathtaking city that promises much more beyond the tournament itself.

How much? The $11M prize pool on offer at the ZOZO Championship speaks to the high level of competition beyond the usual venues that make up the European Tour. If you’re a golf aficionado looking for a somewhat left-field choice – even if only to impress your friends back home with your intrepid fandom – then this event makes a great departure from the tried and tested climes that host the majors.

Every major golf fan has been to Hoylake for the British open, Augusta for the Masters Tournament, or seen the PGA Championship or US Open wherever they’ve been held that year. How many seasoned golf enthusiasts do you know who’ve travelled all the way to Tokyo to follow the sport?

Ready to tee off?

Whichever golf tournament you decide to head to via private aviation this autumn, you’re guaranteed hyper-competitive sporting action and an incredible destination to boot. If you’re going to be taking group charter flights with a rabble that doesn’t contain as many golf enthusiasts as you’d like, consider an event that’s close to a non-golf destination, such as Las Vegas, Tokyo, or Sydney, for other guests to enjoy. This will make you the toast of the trip, but will also leave you free to make the most of the golf tournament yourself – a win-win all-round!

If only the field were so open when it comes to private jet companies. You might think that hiring a private jet is as easy as picking a company, much like you would a destination off this list – not so. If you’re considering jet rental, it’s crucial that you use only the most reliable, flexible, and downright high-quality providers of jet charter services. With that in mind, look no further than Skyllence, and ensure that your golf travel solutions land straight on the green every time!

“It might seem unique, but golf travel is much like many other areas of luxury travel that we cater for ever day” notes Skyllence CEO, Vilma Vaitiekunaite. “When we’re taking clients to these events, we’re all too aware of the need to be flexible, accommodating, and ultimately reliable – otherwise, why bother booking through us? We’re proud of our track record when it comes to delivering for those attending luxury events, and we’re always excited to meet the potential challenges that new clients pose. Get in touch today and we’ll be happy to help get you to where you need to be!”
