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Luxury fashion, like other high-octane elite sports, has a fairly standard structure. Athletes (or fashion models, if you prefer) compete across a number of smaller tournaments throughout the year in preparation for the main events: the four Majors. Viewed in those terms, it suddenly makes sense why so many look to luxury travel to attend fashion weeks in New York, Paris, London and Milan each year.

If you want to see the best and most cutting-edge luxury fashion trends, there’s no question: you have to touch down at one of the big four fashion weeks. When it comes to getting there, there’s a similar lack of ambiguity: luxury travel on-board a private jet charter truly is best-in-class. Not only do you get access to the comfort, convenience and flexibility that charter jet providers like Skyllence deliver as standard, but your experience is also elevated with that little extra touch of luxury. Only one uncertainty remains, then: which of the big four fashion weeks will you attend?

New York Fashion Week

Who are the kind of people involved?

First called “press week” and created to draw attention to Western fashion during WW2, New York Fashion Week was traditionally attended by big-wigs and journalists who couldn’t make it into occupied Paris. These fashion industry representatives still attend – albeit for different reasons – although now they’re joined by a whole litany of other luxury fashion impresarios: from fashion bloggers to haute couture enthusiasts and fashion influencers, all converging on the Big Apple for NYFW.

What makes it special?

Private jet flights from around the world will be descending on JFK come September, bringing with them the great and the good ready to take up their front-row seats. The city itself is a mecca for VIP travel, and never is the luxury lifestyle more openly on display than during fashion week. What makes NYFW so special, then – along with, well, everything about it – is the sheer star power on display.

When is it?

NYFW is a bi-annual event, held in February and September each year. The next event is due to take place from the 7th to the 13th of September, giving you ample time to contact Skyllence and arrange transport. Don’t take too long, though – you don’t want to be scrambling round last-minute for outfits!

Where exactly is it held?

The event takes place primarily on 50 Varick Street, Lower Manhattan, but as with most fashion weeks there are other shows and performances scattered around the city. That’s part of the fun, though, as devoted attendees might spend their time hunting down reporters from fashion magazines at small-scale events to get a glimpse into what’s about to hit the mainstream.

London Fashion Week

Who are the kind of people involved?

All the usual retinue of a fashion week event, but with governmental support and trade/industry representation – this is supported by the British Fashion Council, after all.

What makes it special?

London Fashion Week features more of a focus on home-grown fashion designers from around the United Kingdom and Europe. If you’re looking for cutting-edge fashion accessories and outfits alongside a focus on trade, then this is the place to be. Not only is this a great event for fashion enthusiasts, it’s also a perfect networking event for anyone in the industry. Who said you shouldn’t combine work and pleasure?

When is it?

Held every June and September, the next event runs from the 15th to the 19th of September, giving you just a few short weeks to sort out accommodation and travel. Box off the latter in an afternoon by contacting Skyllence and securing an executive jet charter, and then all that’s left is to peruse hotels until you settle on a winner. Not too shabby!

Where exactly is it held?

The Store Studios, 180 Strand, and a host of external venues around the English capital play host to LFW. The centrality of this event means that little time is spent shuttling between expositions, making it ideal for those who’d rather remain in one place.

Milan Fashion Week

Who are the kind of people involved?

Unlike the previous two of the big four, Milan has more of a focus on the individuals who design under the auspices of the long-established big fashion houses. While New York and London offer spaces for industry and up-and-coming designers, the old money of Milan and Paris tends to focus on what first springs to mind when we think of high fashion.

What makes it special?

Think of haute couture and flicking through glossy magazines filled with the latest in fashion photography. Those esoteric outfits put together by the great fashion houses of the world – Gucci, Prada, and so on – aren’t meant to be worn by us mere mortals. They’re more like moving mood-boards, with components that will filter down through the industry and influence everyday wear for years to come. At Milan Fashion Week, they take centre stage and the creative genius of the fashion designers who put them together first sees the cold light of day.

When is it?

Milan Fashion Week is held in February/March and September/October, with the next iteration taking place from the 19th to the 25th of September, leaving you around a month to contact Sykllence and put together a plan.

Where exactly is it held?

Again in contrast to the earlier events, Milan Fashion Week isn’t held in a tightly-contained nucleus, but instead encompasses the entire city, sprawling around like a great (and extremely fashionable) octopus. For visitors, this is a helpful time-saver: you won’t need to do any sightseeing, as simply going from one event to another will involve traversing every square centimetre of the city – perfect!

Paris Fashion Week

Who are the kind of people involved?

Although, like Milan, Paris Fashion Week might be associated with more haute couture shows by some, in truth there’s a balance on display. Ready-to-wear collections are equally as well represented, meaning that the kinds of designers who make their name in Paris come from all sorts of backgrounds and have all kinds of different ideas.

What makes it special?

While Paris fashion week only technically began in 1973, its origins date back hundreds of years to the wealth of smaller couture shows that have dotted the city since time immemorial. Now a single, unified event that showcases some of the most prestigious and innovative fashion brands in the world, Paris Fashion Week is arguably the World Cup Final of fashion (to return to that laboured analogy).

When is it?

February/March and September/October usually mark Paris Fashion Week, with the next event scheduled to straddle the latter two months from the 26th of September to the 4th of October.

Where exactly is it held?

In homage to its origins in the thousands of clothiers dispersed around the city, the modern Paris Fashion Week takes place in a plethora of venues. That’s not to say that it’s sparse, however; finding fashion shows during this week is like shooting fish in a barrel – even if you don’t know where you’re going, you’re sure to bump into something during Paris fashion week!

Fashionably Late

With just over a month to go until these events kick into gear, you could be forgiven for thinking that you’ve left it too late to attend. If that were true, not only would it be bad planning on your part, but we would hardly have written this article, would we!

The truth, of course, is that a month is plenty of time to secure private jet rental with Skyllence and ensure that not only are you able to attend your chosen fashion week with the kind of convenience, flexibility and control that Skyllence offer, but you’ll also do it in the lap of luxury.

That being said, there’s no time for complacency, so don’t delay and contact them as soon as you’ve decided where you’ll be heading. Whether London, Paris, Milan or New York, you’re guaranteed an incredible experience and a rare glimpse into what the future holds as regards fashion trends. The certainties don’t end there: with Skyllence, you’re likewise guaranteed a red-carpet VIP travel solution that exceeds all expectations – all that remains is to pick out your outfits!

Vilma Vaitiekunaite, Skyllence CEO, is all too aware of what it takes to ensure that executive VIP travellers have their needs met during fashion week: “These are incredibly important events for some – whether they work in the industry, never miss a show, or are fulfilling a lifelong dream by attending in style. It doesn’t matter if your trip is the most exciting vacation you’ve ever taken or another day at the office, our standards are the same: reliability, flexibility, luxury and convenience. That’s what we demand of ourselves, what our customers have come to expect, and what we endeavour to deliver for every client.”
